Registration Fee: £225 per delegate + VAT (total £258.75) Discounted fee forSchools and Colleges: £190 per delegate + VAT (total £218.50)
We have been working with SQA on this series of annual conferences for five years and this, the fifth conference, was to be the most exciting and rewarding yet.
Scotland has been at the forefront of developing and implementing learning and training that is assessed using the latest IT and ICT techniques and technologies.
The range of options and solutions in the marketplace is growing rapidly, underlined by the growth in mobile learning and technology.
For those selecting, implementing or using computer based assessment (in all its forms) this is challenging and delivering the benefits daunting.
There is an increasing expectation by students, employees, assessors and government that the technology will be available to use in a secure, robust and fit for purpose manner.
As new technologies develop, the initial e-Assessment ideas are also being replaced by ideas that take assessment further away from its traditional forms.
Speakers this year included
Dr Gill Stewart, Director of Qualifications Development, SQA - Keynote opening address Maxine Garson, Highlands Council Prof. Phillip John, SCHOLAR Programme, Heriot-Watt University Dr Helen Ashton, Heriot Watt Christine Merrell, CEM, Durham University Linda Steedman, e-com Scotland Martyn Ware, e-Assessment Manager, SQA
TO read more about the exciting 2011 conference .... click here
For the latest developments in e-Assessment and computer based testing and assessment The e-Assessment-Question 10th annual conference 21st and 22nd March 2012 at the America Square Conference Centre, London - click here to find out more about this exciting event